Edited on Sat Nov-07-09 11:52 AM by RBInMaine
Please call Mike Michaud immediately to support the healthcare vote today in the House. I just did and gave the message to his staffer. My call went through immediately. Mike's big concerns are cost and Medicare Advantage. Stress that MAINERS OVERWHELMINGLY WANT HIS DONE ! Stress that the AARP supports the bill. Stress that it saves money over time while closing the Medicare drug donut hole for seniors. Stress that any of his other concerns can be addressed as the House and Senate bills move to conference, BUT that we need his support to get a bill out of the House and MAINERS ARE DEMANDING IT. Thanks.
Rep. Michaud's PH # 202-225-6306.
Also, thanks to all of you good Maine DUers who helped us SMASH APART the right TABOR and Excise Tax bills. We crushed those right wingers at Grover Norquist's right wing clubhouse here in Maine, otherwise known as the Maine Heritage Policy Center. TABOR (first under the Palesky bill) has now been crushed here three times. If they were to bring it back a fourth time, they would look like total and complete marginalized crazy idiots, even moreso than they already do. As to NO ON ONE, it is a real disappointment, but to get 47% would never have been conceivable even 5 years ago. The arc is slowly turning in the correct direction. However, it just seems that popular votes are not there yet for these to pass around the country, at least in statewide votes. The better course is the courts or moving it to "civil union" or "domestic partnership" which is a more secular concept and more palatable to those on the fence, much as Washington state did and WON there. So we go on to fight another day. NOW, let's smash the TeaBaggers on the healthcare issue !