Main Content Democratic no votes - Live Pulse: Democratic no votes November 07, 2009 Categories:House .Democratic no votes House Democratic leadership saw 39 of their members vote against the bill and, with one Republican yes vote, Democrats passed sweeping health reform legislation 220-215. While the reasons these Democrats have offered for opposing the $1.2 trillion bill vary, as my colleagues Patrick O'Connor and Charle Mahtesian wrote earlier tonight, they nearly all share a common trait: They are among the most politically vulnerable incumbents in the House, and they tend to represent conservative-minded seats that John McCain won in 2008.
Here's the list:
Adler Altmire Baird Barrow Boccieri Boren Boucher Boyd Bright Chandler Childers Artur Davis Lincoln Davis Chet Edwards Gordon Griffith Herseth-sandlin Holden
Kissell Kosmas Kratovil Kucinich Betsy Markey Marshall Massa Matheson McIntyre McMahon Melancon Minnick Scott Murphy Nye Peterson Ross Shuler Skelton Tanner Taylor Teague well we got it through the house!