Edited on Sat May-29-10 01:42 PM by RBInMaine
I will be tough for us to keep the Blaine House after 8 years. But it is doable if we get the right candidate and the RePukes again nominate a right winger like Beardsley or LePage. I think the only Indy threat may be Cutler. On our side, they are all good people and I'll work for whomever wins the primary. But to win the general we need to hold our base while cutting into theirs and getting plenty of Indies. I think McGowan is the only one who could pull it off. He connects well to rural and northern Maine in ways the others just can't. No one knows Scarcelli, nor does she have enough political experience. Like it or not, running a state is in no way just like running a business. Scarcelli's performance at the convention was rather weak, and she bombed on introducing a floor amendment to the platform that was ill conceived. McGowan can get men, hunters, outdoorspeople, etc. He has the right mix of private and public sector experience, and he is a down in the grassroots Maine native. On electability, which is what it is all about, McGowan is the best choice. And, as he said at the convention, he will hook that right wing TeaHater platform to the back of the Republican nominee bigtime. THAT is what we must do too, and he will.