I found this in the latest discussion blog: RONALD REAGAN RECORDS AS FIRST--------------------------- (1900-1989)
(Peggy Noonan pay attention)
1.First to turn America into a DEBTOR nation in Peacetime 2. First to increase DEBT faster than growth of national income in eight years 3. First to increase DEBT faster than growth of gdp over eight years 4. First to double the deficit in just eight years 5. First to “almost”: triple the national DEBT in just eight years 6. First to increase SPENDING by 80%--over 8 years. 7. First to SPEND more in eight years than was spent in prior 50 years. 8. First to have “real” INTEREST RATES of 8% after averaging 1% over 35 years. 9. First to keep PRIME INTEREST RATES at 20%. 10.First to over value the dollar to the yen at rate of 262 yen to 1 dollar. 11.First to have served as Governor and increase STATE SPENDING by 112% 12.First to have HOME LOAN INTEREST RATES as high as 16% 13. First to CUT TAXES by 60% for his rich pals 14. First to allow the SAVINGS AND LOAN INDUSTRY to be raided after signing a deregulatory bill and proclaiming “I think we have hit the jackpot”. Come and get it the vaults are unguarded. 15. First to deal with TERRORISTS 16. First to send an AUTOGRAPHED BIBLE to a man he called “The Satan of Terrorists”. 17. First to have an ADMIRAL plead the Fifth Amendment. 18. First to have a stealing, lying, gutless wife abusing MARINE LT. COLONEL plead the Fifth Amendment. 19. First to have a “sitting” CABINET MEMBER INDICTED 20. First to have an ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE INDICTED. 21. First to have an ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE SENT TO PRISON. 22. First to have over 100 MEMBERS OF AN ADMINISTRATION CHARGED WITH CRIMES.. 23. First to have more members of his administration charged with crimes than CUMULATIVE TOTAL OF ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS in the twentieth century 24. First to set a record for the LARGEST ONE DAY PERCENTAGE DECLINE in the DOW in history. 10-19-87 25. First to have over $10,000,000 INCREASE IN WEALTH from serving for 8 years as president. 26. First to testify ”under oath” 130 times that ”I DON’T REMEMBER” . 27. First to have an Admiral with a photographic memory testify 128 times “ I DON’T REMEMBER”. 28. First to undergo BRAIN SURGERY a few months after leaving office. No pain no gain. 29. First to, repeatedly, FALSIFY HIS WIFE’S AGE. As tho anyone cared. 30. First to promote his religious faith and never have an ACTIVE CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. 31. First to rarely use the term JESUS CHRIST in speeches. 32. First to seek GUIDANCE FROM THE STARS not from God 33. First to have had a SHOTGUN WEDDING. 34. First to have worked as a lead-on in Las Vegas. 35. First to call a Stealing, Lying, Psychotic, wife abusing Marine a “LIAR. 36. First to have been OPENLY ALIENATED from his children. 37. First to have served with ALZHEIMERS 38. First to have UNEMPLOYMENT AT 10.8% since great depression. 39. First to attack a small unprotected nation with 88,000 inhabitants and 10,000 bb guns then PROCLAIM -“America stands tall again”— “we have whipped the Vietnam Syndrome”-we have defeated communism”. Gosh! What if we had whipped Cyprus?. 40. #1-in FARM FORECLOSURES 41. #1-In BANK FAILURES 42. #1-In SAVINGS AND LOAN FAILURES 43. #1-In Percent increase in PERSONAL BANKRUPTCIES 44. #1-In recorded MISSTATEMENTS 45. #1-In never having a single press conference in which he did not make at least one or more INCORRECT STATEMENTS. 46. #1-In needing a staff person standby during press conferences to tell the press “WHAT HE REALLY MEANT”. 47. #1-In having SERVICEMEN KILLED during peacetime. 48. #1-In largest DROP IN POPULARITY in one week. I wonder if our local right winger knows this: Ray who?