\ sarha who? poor turn out Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 12:48 PM EST
Well if you listen to the media it was a large turnout? do the math -the city has 590,000 thousand residents; the day time this can swell to a million easy! their are 6.5 million people from the state;their is 14.5 million people in new England! the first news reports said their was close to 3,000 turn out to see MS squeaky voice! give her the benefit of the doubt swell it by 3+ call it 10,000 no tell it like the repukes exaggerate call it 20,000- you still got a pitiful turnout! less than one half of a percent! Of those who attended at least 20% opposed the hatred these people display! Oh by the way can someone suggest to that squeaking money grubber that she looks disgusting in that cheap red jacket!(who wants a former vice president candidate looking like a street walker)
all I can say is Scot Brown is smarter than I an many others gave him credit for IT LOOKS LIKE HE SNUBBED HER