Help: Does anyone remember seeing a story like this on the local TV news, somewhere between 2000-2006? (landshark threatens to evict citing “not to carry on any business...” against a writer)
It was an argument about the meaning of a phrase in many leases: "not to carry on any business, profession, or trade of any kind." It is usually not enforced without a good reason, but one company chose to use this legalism against a writer, implying that having a product available on a web site violated this verse, and threatened to sue for eviction and payment of the rest of the year's rent. The name seems familiar, but I'm not really sure why. I remember a comment on the show something like: this was a foolish thing to do even if it succeeds in court, because people would find out what happened here, and nobody would want to rent an apartment from that company*. (at least anyone who is a novelist, songwriter, poet, etc.)
She (the writer) ended up removing her book from the website, finish out the term of her lease without the freedom to have her work available, because she did not want to risk eviction and ruined credit, if she might lose the case. (heard this on the show) At least I hope this kind of zero tolerance policy is extremely rare. If it were common practice, I would have found a story like that on Google by now (literally spent all-night sessions rephrasing this dispute over 100 different ways!). I believe this is a form of predatory lending, and infringement on the freedom of speech and press.
I am definitely interested in finding a copy of this broadcast if possible. I can understand if the footage is lost... in that case I am searching for someone who remembers the show well enough to reliably identify the parties involved. I figure my chances are better asking now than later.
It's also quite unbelievable and sad that even in the Tivo age, information that was on broadcast TV can become forgotten and disappear, when it effects something this important.
I may be interested in talking to the writer that was threatened. Maybe a petition could be named after her. - if something like that ever happens again.
(“13 on your side” seems most likely, yet Ms. Ichton claims not to remember this- maybe a similar series on another station?)
* - I intend to help make this prediction happen. I.E. I need stronger documentation than a vague memory before starting such a campaign. I know for sure something like this aired on Maine's local broadcast TV news.