Political signs have grown to ridiculous sizes. Otten and Scarcelli have some huge ones. Question 2 signs are oversized and just as obnoxious. Many other campaigns are literally spamming the side of the road with dozens of smaller signs in groups. Scarcelli puts out some that are twice as high as the others.
Now if somebody wants to express their opinion on an issue or candidate, they can put a sign on their own lawn or a bumper sticker on their car. However, I do not see why we should allow the political campaigns to take over our public green space to put all these signs up. It looks like crap, it seems quite labor intensive to place and remove all of these signs, and I don't see any positive benefit to the candidates from it. Finally, the entire concept is completely ungreen in the amount of materials and energy wasted to manufacture and place these monstrosities.
It just pains me every election season to drive off of the bridge into South Portland and to a sea of worthless signs.