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My response from a Maine TeaPartier. We MUST NOT let these nuts win in November !!

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RBInMaine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-11-10 11:42 AM
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My response from a Maine TeaPartier. We MUST NOT let these nuts win in November !!
Edited on Sun Jul-11-10 11:48 AM by RBInMaine
A few days ago I posted that I sent emails to Maine and national Tea Party reps. I did receive some replies. One, from a Maine Tea Party Rep. named Ron Kinsey, is directly below quoted exactly as written. (Enjoy his grammatical errors.) Paul LePage (running for governor), Dean Scontras (for congress), and Jason Levesque (for congress), have all aligned closely with the Tea Party. Do you want these right wing radicals in Augusta and Washington? LePage has said he wants to shut down the EPA, drill in the Gulf of Maine, and open new nuclear power plants. He is vehemently opposed to reproductive choice, says global warming is a hoax, and wants to teach creationism in the public schools. If you are opposed to this kind of right wing radicalism, campaign hard from now to November to defeat these radicals. I have already written letters to the editor attacking them, and it's just the tip of the iceberg. (By the way, in response to the Tea Partier below, I only replied thanking him for his comments and said they confirm that the mindset of the Tea Partiers is one of radical extremism bordering on utter insanity.)

Maine Tea Partier: "The Federal Government's Job ( you may have heard this before) is to provide for the common defense. 5 of the first 6 on your list do just that protect us and our liberties and the constitution from foreign enemies. The founding fathers also wanted to promote interstate commerce through the development of roads and the settling interstate disputed fell under the the federal governments per-view. The current interstate hwy system we have was developed by the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration and he developed it due to the fact in 1910 as a Lt. in the Army he traveled from fort ord Ca. to D.C. The trip took 90 days. He felt this was determent to national security so once again providing for the common defense.

Speaking as a disabled veteran. I will do everything I can to avoid going to the VA hospital, because it is government run health care.

To rest of your list i agree fully, and had the 16th amendment under Woodrow Wilson a democrat not been passed giving the federal government license to pick our pockets by income tax and allowing to grow into the monster it is today. I personally fought against medicare part d as well as the patriot act as they are both infringements on personal liberties.

As far as the war goes maybe you have forgotten the towers falling I certainly haven't. The main flaw in our approach is that we tried bring civility to war. To keep a good guy image. We should have waged an all out war. So that the people of the Arab nations were more afraid of us than the terrorists.

And I couldn't care less about Mr. Obama's skin color. I certainly wouldn't call socialist. He has nationalized the banking industry, automotive industry, and the health care system. He is by definition a Fascist. That is the reason we oppose Mr. Obama.

Ron Kinsey"

My original email to the Tea Partiers:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thanks for taking a few minutes to answer the following questions.

1) Why was there no Tea Party during the Bush Administration which squandered a surplus and skyrocketed the deficit with programs and policies such as Medicare Part D (which still left a donut hole and prohibited negotiating for lower drug prices), tax cuts weighted heavily to the rich, and two wars thousands of miles from our shores? It seems interesting that the Tea Party was initiated only after an African American Democrat was elected.

2) What percentage of Tea Partiers are registered Republicans and/or usually vote Republican?

3) I understand you are corporately supported? Is this true, and, if so, to what extent?

4) What percentage of your membership is caucasian? What percentage is minority?

5) You seem to consider yourselves a populist sort of movement. If so, why are you not protesting BP's actions and other corporate atrocities perpetrated against average Americans regardless of their political party?

6) How many of your members are on Social Security and Medicare, and how many are prepared to give up those benefits?

7) How many of your members are for closing down or at least refusing to use or participate in the following government-run, or, as you might say, "socialist," programs and services?:

* The U.S. Military
* The V.A. and Its Entirely "Socialist" VA hospitals
* The Interstate Highway System
* The F.B.I.
* The U.S. Border Patrol
* The C.I.A.
* Unemployment Insurance
* The Environmental Protection Agency
* Programs Under The Americans With Disabilities Act and Related Laws
* Local Fire, Police, and Ambulance Services
* State Police Services
* State and Local Transportation Systems and Public Works Services
* National Parks and State and Local Parks and Recreation Services
* Local Schools and Their Many Sports Programs
* State Colleges and Universities and Their Many Sports Programs

8) Can you explain to me precisely why the Sons Of Liberty in Boston staged the Boston Tea Party? If so, please do.

9) Can you explain to me precisely why the Articles of Confederation were replaced with the U.S. Constitution in 1788?

As a "grassroots" organization, I am sure you will take the time to answer this email, and I look forward to your responses. Thank you very much.

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Old and In the Way Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-12-10 11:16 AM
Response to Original message
1. Sounds and reads about right for a teabagger.
Hates the income tax, but loves the MIC. Wonder how he'd finance that offensive war budget without income taxes? Lets hope most sane Mainiacs don't believe this baloney.
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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-12-10 01:29 PM
Response to Original message
2. LePage is a bigger nutcase that Frary and The Timberdoodle combined
Drill in the Gulf of Maine?

what an asshole

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Zing Zing Zingbah Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-12-10 09:29 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Drilling in the gulf of Maine totally is not going to happen.
I can't see the lobstering, fishing, and tourism industries in this state ever being into that idea. Plus most Mainers actually care about the environment in this state.
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feslen Donating Member (138 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-13-10 09:43 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. so did Florida and New Orleaners
but that didn't stop the greedy Bastards from ruining those areas either
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