Hello. It is absolutely essential that we continue to call out Paul LePage on his extreme policy positions with letters to the editor (and also on social networking sites, email networks, blogs, etc.) It is self-evident that Mr. LePage is simply too extreme to become the governor of the progressive to moderate state of Maine. His latest outrages are that he has played the anti-French Catholic card against the Maine Democratic Party with absolutely no basis in fact for doing so and refuses to apologize, has said Libby Mitchell shouldn't be governor because she is too old, and he now says he will only answer reporters' questions in writing. It is critical that Mr. LePage be properly and thoroughly defined as the extremist that he is. We can not allow him to become governor of our great state just to take us backwards on both social and economic issues. Below are some key points you can cite in your letter to the editor (LTE).
• LePage is Too Extreme For Maine.
• LePage attends extreme Tea Party events and courts extreme Tea Party votes.
• LePage would decimate Maine’s environment and natural resources.
• LePage says that “global warming is a scam and a mind control tool.”
• LePage says that the “the Environmental Protection Agency serves no purpose.”
• LePage wants to drill for oil in the Gulf of Maine.
• LePage wants to build a nuclear power plant in Brunswick.
• LePage strongly supported the extreme TABOR tax cap scheme rejected overwhelmingly twice by Maine voters.
• LePage is an unabashed agent of the Christian Right.
• LePage is opposed to reproductive choice.
• LePage opposes the Maine Human Rights Act.
• LePage believes that “creationism is a learning tool for our kids” and wants that in the public schools.
• LePage is not responsible for crafting the budget in Waterville. The City Manager has that responsibility. LePage’s role is largely ceremonial, and his record of public service is an embellishment at best.
• LePage talks about cutting taxes and spending, but he will not be specific about just what he will cut given that we have already cut over $800 million from the state budget.
* LePage on Foreign Relations:
"I am embarrassed of my country"
http://recordings.talkshoe.com/rss52956.xml At: 43:39 (Podcast 157)
"After having been to Russia a few times. If you go to a local city you see a lot more individual freedoms that quite frankly I'm seeing right here in our country."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFpx6qOK0FI LePage on supposed illegal water dumping?
"It's illegal to put Poland Spring water into the Kennebec River."
http://www.insidemainebusiness.tv/blog/post/paul-lepage-r LePage on the GOP Platform, Bible and Constitution (all working documents):
"Am I one hundred percent in favor of the platform? I'm not 100 percent in favor of anything. It's a working document, like the Constitution is a working document. The bible is a working document."
http://colinwoodard.blogspot.com/2010/07/maine-lepage-on-tea-party-staffer.html LePage on Education:
"Foxcroft Academy brought the math scores way up because they bring kids from the, from Asia. And they've brought their verbals up because and the languages up because they brings kids from the Asia."
http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid35031947001?bctid=88807453001 LePage on the Environment:
"I am deathly against preservation."
http://www.insidemainebusiness.tv/blog/post/paul-lepage-r LePage on Representing all of Maine: "Southern Maine has a lot of
http://www.kjonline.com/news/sunday-hunting-splits-candidates.html LTE’s are very easy to send electronically. I would encourage people to send LTE’s to local papers as well as the larger papers. However, below is the contact information for the largest papers in Maine. If you do it electronically, you go generally go to the publication’s “Opinion” section and then to “Letters To The Editor,” and there is usually an electronic form provided for submission. While using the electronic form is best, you can also usually email the publication making sure to put LETTER TO THE EDITOR in the subject bar. Some smaller publications do not have electronic forms, so you have to either send it by email or hard copy “snail” mail.
** Below is the contact information for some our larger publications in Maine. But it is also very important to submit to smaller publications as well. THANKS VERY MUCH WITH YOUR HELP. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Contact Information of Major Publications In Maine
Bangor Daily News
Attn: Letters To The Editor
P.O. Box 1329
Bangor, Maine 04402-1329
Toll free in Maine: 1-800-432-7964
207-990-8000 website: bangordailynews.com
Kennebec Journal Attn: Letters To The Editor 274 Western Ave
Augusta, ME 04330 (800) 537-5508 (207) 621-5600 website: kjonline.com
Portland Press Herald/ Maine Sunday Telegram Attn: Letters To The Editor (**Specify Paper To Which You Are Submitting) 390 Congress St Portland, ME 04101 (207) 874-7467 website: pressherald.com
Sun Journal Lewiston Attn: Letters To The Editor 104 Park St
Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 784-5411 (800) 482-0753 website: sunjournal.com