The RePUKES and their right wing allies in Maine, mainly the Maine Heritage Policy Center, an arm of Grover Norquist's right wing National Heritage Foundation, is attacking Maine's decade-old and very successful Clean Elections law. This law, as in other states where it has been used, allows candididates for state office to receive public funding, with strict limits, if they are able to get a certain number of small contributions up front within a given timeframe. Our candidate for Governor, Elizabeth (Libby) Mitchell, would be the first Clean Elections candidate to become governor if she wins. She is the only Clean Elections candidate in the race so does not have to spend her time dialing for donors. So the ReSCUMlicans and their right wing allies, in the middle of the campaign, have decided to challenge this popular law in court. They are claiming they are doing this because the Clean Election candidates get additional funds as the non-clean candidates raise more private money.
State Clean Elections laws like ours should be a national model for federal elections as well.
These right wngers are complete and total SCUM ! Pure SCUM ! They have attacked clean elections in other states too, and, sadly, with some amount of success. Many of us are hoping the right wingers can be beaten in court here, but this is one more GLARING example of the difference between D's and ReSCUMliPUKES and why every progressive who can breathe should be working like hell to beat these shitbags in November. They are SCUM, PERIOD !