I know George Smith personally. We've fished side by side. We've shared a few discussion panels regarding environmental and outdoor recreational issues. We've insulted each other publicly and privately. We've also shared beer out of the same cooler.
George/SAM has been in step on some issues I've labored and lobbied for. George/SAM have also been a an adversary. George would know in advance if Hell had frozen over, because that would be the day I became a member of SAM.
SAM made George, and George made SAM....Both have positive and negative attributes. IMHO Without George, SAM will likely collapse under it's own mass.
http://www.kjonline.com/news/new-leader-of-sportsmans-alliance-to-depend-on-members_2010-10-10.htmlSome of the "comments" are priceless :rofl:
Bell for Bear Bait
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it but the new executive director of the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine..will it still make a sound? Will anyone care? I thought so...
Looks like this flatlander should start an all vegetable and fruit diet. Looks like he's eaten his fair share of the Maine woods already.