Libby's campaign (so far) seems to be going by a playbook that's worked well for her for years. However, the political climate is currently much different then what we're all used to, so I think they should've made some adjustments based on that fact. LePage and his teabagger minions have tapped into some very real anger (misdirected anger, but anger nonetheless) which seems to have found an outlet w/LePage as their leader. He's got a fanatically motivated base and the poll #'rs we're seeing reflect that.
Based on the most recent poll #'rs I could find however, I think it's understandable to be concerned but I don't believe but it's as dire as it appears on the surface. Consider this one, a compilation/average of 3 separate polls dated between 10/4 and 10/12. They focused only on Mitchell, Lepage and Cutler. They have the numbers as 32.3 for LePage, 29.0 for Mitchell and 14.3 for Cutler.
Those #'rs still leave a whopping 24.4% who haven't weighed in on the main 3. Granted,
some of that 24% are leaning toward the other, lesser known candidates, but even if you account for them, it still leaves LOTS of undecideds. undecideds are key here. While LePage certainly will pick up some of that group, I believe that he's for the most part 'peaked'. People who are inclined to his brand of snake oil have pretty much already enthusiastically weighed in. He's not the type of character that average people feel so-so and undecided about. Most people either like him or they don't. I think a majority of that huge undecided group is more about Cutler and Mitchell. To seize a win, all Libby would have to do is pick up half of that undecided bunch and the win is her's. I believe she can do it.
I agree that it
might help if some group w/no ties to Libby inform folks about LePage's past, but my reason for this is more about Cutler then LePage... People wavering between Mitchell and Cutler may, if better informed about LePage say to hell w/Cutler- We need someone who can beat LePage even if they may have been previously leaning toward Cutler.
Of course I could be wrong about all of this, but I certainly hope not.
As far as signs and ads go, I still maintain that they are less important than many people think. Furthermore there are still 2 weeks left. Most of the 'October-Surprise(s)' occur within this time period. Libby's people or independent groups who support her may be saving some of them for that. I hope no one on Libby's side go too negative however. That's the kind of thing that turns many people off.