The Libby For Gov. campaign has released results of a new independent poll (not sure which firm - may be Critical Insights which is pretty credible) with little difference than in other recent polls as you can see. She's within five points of LePuke. It is still a VERY doable race with 19% still undecided.
Therefore the goal here has to be to continue to press the message that Mr. LePUKE is simply not a plausible candidate; that he's too extreme both in policy and demeanor. At the same time, we need to get our base out and get a decent number of those undecideds to break our way. If by this time the "change candidate" LePUKE hasn't sewn this up, it means too many are not comfortable with him. 19% still don't want him. That's pretty huge. That means there is a good chance most of the late deciders will go to Cutler and/or Libby. If Libby can pull enough of the undecideds, she wins. Plain and simple. My guess is that most of them will not support LePUKE.
So letters to the editor are needed, but more than that we need canvassers and phone bankers. Please touch base with your nearest Dem field office or your local town, city, or county party committe and do all you can to help tip the scales in our favor. Any small donations to the Maine Dem Party are hugely appreciated. This is VERY doable.