Edited on Sun Mar-06-11 07:05 AM by RBInMaine
We could re-take the legislature in 2012, but ONLY if Dems formulate and control the message loud and clear. We expect our legislative and party leaders to lead the way. The issues couldn't be more on our side IF we PUT them on our side. And the rank and file need to do their part too with contacting legislators and party leaders, letters to the editor, OP EDs, rallies, etc. Below is the email I just sent to our legislative leaders Emily Cain in the Maine House, and Barry Hobbins and Justin Alfond in the Maine Senate. I hope others will contact them to express similar thoughts.:
"The issues of the day are loud and clear. LePage, who won with 38%, and the Republican legislative majority lied to the public by saying they were coming in to "create jobs." Instead what they are doing is carrying out their plan of heaping a sickening right wing agenda on us written by the radical right wing Maine Heritage Policy Center, most of which doesn't have a damn thing to do with "jobs jobs jobs." You and our other Democratic leaders in the legislature need to get TOUGH and damn well DEFINE the issues and make their radical right agenda plain and clear for all to see, CLEARLY outline your opposition and alternative to it, and do so RELENTLESSLY all over the media. * What does putting BPA in sippy cups have to do with "jobs"?? * What does gutting our environmental and land use laws have to do with "jobs"? * What does making us a union-busting "right to work" state have to do with "jobs"? * What does getting rid of our very popular clean elections law have to do with "jobs"? * What does attacking our laws on reproductive choice have to do with "jobs"? * What does balancing the budget solely on the backs of teachers and other state workers and retirees and not asking a damn thing of the rich have to do with "jobs"? It is long since time for our Democratic leaders in the legislature and in the state party establishment to form and control a solid, strong, clear, united, and compelling message. The last campaign was a messaging disaster. We need a clear united message which attacks the right wing agenda and shows that WE are the party not only of the correct kind of reform, but the one of PROGRESS and MAINE'S TRUE VALUES. As we can see in places like Wisconsin and Ohio, and in Washington D.C., the TeaPublican Party has little interest in "jobs jobs jobs" and a huge interest in breaking unions, attacking the poor and working families, dismantling vital programs, and foisting a radical social policy agenda on us at all levels of government. What do you and the rest of our Maine Democratic leaders plan to do about it here?"