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something worth reading

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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-08-11 02:57 PM
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something worth reading

If you care about Maine read this and form your own course of action:
NRCM’s ‘50 worst bills’

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 2:09 PM EST
There is no doubt that we need jobs: Good-paying jobs, with benefits and opportunities for our young people to stay in Maine, raise families, and contribute to our communities.

Less clear is what’s the best way to encourage businesses to expand or locate in Maine, creating the new jobs everyone’s hoping will come our way.

That’s the rub, and it’s the subtext of a debate taking place in the halls of the State House over Gov. LePage’s “Phase 1 Regulatory Reform Proposals,” many of which have found their way into LD 1, “An Act to Ensure Regulatory Fairness and Reform.” That bill, which includes 48 pages of proposed amendments to Maine law the governor says are needed to make our state friendlier to businesses, elicited strong rebuttals from Maine environmental groups and businesses who reject this 21st century reprise of the “jobs vs. pickerel” debate of the 1970s.

LD 1, by itself, would seem sweeping enough to occupy the full attention of lawmakers and citizens for this first session of the 125th Legislature. But Gov. LePage’s roll-back agenda has ready allies in the Republican-controlled Legislature, lawmakers who’ve sponsored dozens of bills that collectively earned a strong condemnation last week from Pete Didisheim, advocacy director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine.

“We have never seen such a widespread assault on the laws that protect Maine’s clean air, clean water and the health of Maine people and wildlife,” Didisheim said at a news conference last Tuesday in which NRCM released its list of “50 worst bills.” “If implemented, this sweeping anti-environment agenda would put Maine people out of work, increase our exposure to toxic chemicals, damage Maine’s $10 billion tourism economy and harm Maine’s most important asset — the quality of our environment.”

The full list of the 50 worst bills for Maine’s environment can be found at the website We strongly encourage our readers to take the time to go through this list and apply the five guidelines suggested by a coalition of Maine business and environmental leaders at the LD 1 hearing in mid-February (see our Feb. 16 editorial “Guiding principles for LD 1?” for a full summary of those guidelines).

seems the idiots from maine heritage and the right wing extremists have the governors ears!
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bucksballs Donating Member (3 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-08-11 04:25 PM
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1. Librarian Hits it on the Head
Thanks for the wake up.  I've been too busy with the right to
work issue.  

in the Portland Hearld, Nemitz penned a good one.

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