"LePage: If they change my budget, they’ll get a veto” - that’s what the headline said in the Bangor Daily News on Monday, March 14th.
According to reporter Mal Leary of Capitol News Service:
“Gov. Paul LePage is threatening to veto the two-year state budget unless it stays very close to the measure he proposed, saying he will not budge from the amount of tax cuts or from his plan to reform pensions and welfare programs.
“‘If that budget is altered it is not my budget, it is the Legislature’s budget,’ he said in an interview. ‘If they alter the pension
, if they alter the tax breaks, if they alter the welfare reforms, those are the show stoppers.’”
This isn’t Governor LePage’s budget. This isn’t the Legislature’s budget. This is Maine’s budget and its impact will be felt by every person, family, business, school, and community across this state. That’s why so many of you came to the State House to testify against all the harmful cuts LePage proposed – those that will eliminate health care and supports for families, and those that jeopardize retirement security.
For the next few weeks the Health and Human Service Committee will be drafting their own recommendations on changes to Maine’s safety net programs. Please email the Health and Human Service Committee and ask them to reconsider the cuts in the Governor’s budget proposal because they put Maine families, children, and elderly at risk.
The last thing we should do is give in to LePage’s veto threat. We need to make sure our legislators hear from us that state spending decisions that destabilize Maine families will create a host of deeper problems that will be more costly for all of us in the long run.
Please email the Health and Human Service Committee today!
Thank you,
Lizzy R. Reinholt