How often I have heard people in the square complain about business tax,sales tax and how N.H. IS CHEAPER; then they say property tax is lower their! New Hampshire also gains more revenue from business taxes than Maine, through a franchise tax on assets, not income. Weiner’s report sees this as an indirect tax that’s less visible than withholding from weekly paychecks — though it’s still widely resented by New Hampshire firms when complaining about their own state’s business climate.
And, of course, New Hampshire levies far higher property taxes than any other state — even its New England neighbors, which rely on property taxes more than other regions.
Even when confronted with the truth they continue to deny the facts! yup I lived their and worked for a firm who had offices in maine and N.h. course they didn't but they knew someone who know someone who's cousin told them it was cheaper there! hmm at the time my wages were a dollar an hour more than the n.h. office guys got plus I was on expenses! be careful what you wish for!