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They ought to occupy the Maine Heritage Policy Center

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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-10-11 09:42 AM
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They ought to occupy the Maine Heritage Policy Center
These douchebags recently had the state publish the names and salaries of top DHHS officials - yet the salaries, names and sugar daddies of the MHPC remain "secret" and "private".

They played a huge role in shaping policy in shaping the douchhebagger LePage/GOP legislative agenda - but We The People cannot question the source of their funding or reveal the true scope of their political activities in Maine.

They are not from Maine and have no "heritage" here...

Occupy 'Em

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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-10-11 10:39 AM
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1. they take good care of their own

you see if you do a good job you get promoted(retire) to florida with a tit job !
I believe that is what happened to the previous ceo(lackey) that pushed the conservative gibberish of the greedy. Who by the way deviously finds ways to finance the tea party!
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-10-11 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. have you ever wondered

who funds some of these right wing radio programs? I mean people like Rush,Hannity and even the little fish like Richardson didn't start out with a huge audience or a lot of sponsors.
I'm sure that in the back ground you will find a sugar daddy having his or her agenda
part or most of the topics being discussed!
hmmm now wasn't that ceo of the heritage foundation on the radio quite often? I believe he pushed several items that failed,one by referendum!
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-21-11 06:31 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. here is one source of funding which stats low key!

the koch brothers have kept a low profile while donating a great deal of money in the political field- how does their agenda (influence) effect the working man?
you might want to research what they want and think ! it may not be healthy for the working man!

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity
February 2, 2011 RSS Feed Print Comment (35)
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Few in America had heard about the third-richest Americans, brothers David and Charles Koch, until just recently. Aside from David Koch’s gifts to the Lincoln Center in New York and the naming of a theater after him, few outside a small, elite circle would recognize the name or know how to pronounce it. (“Koch” as in “coke”)

For decades, they were under the radar. They and their father had amassed an incredible fortune, mainly in the oil business. Their privately held company revenues last year were estimated at $100 billion. Each brother is worth $21.5 billion. That is a very big “B” in both cases.

For many years, they have been involved in politics but not terribly open or transparent about it. It is true that David Koch ran as vice president on the 1980 Libertarian ticket, to the right of Ronald Reagan. According to New York Times columnist Frank Rich, “his campaign called for the abolition not just of Social Security, federal regulatory agencies and welfare but also of the FBI, the CIA, and public schools.” Since the Libertarian party’s 1 percent showing in 1980, David Koch has very much been behind the scenes, until now.
If your company has no pension plan(and many don't) an the right privatizes or kills social security and you are counting on your 401k to retire on(remember the generation that lost their ira's)! what happens if the big boys manipulate the stock market as they are right now? what are your kids going to do to survive?
have you noticed that every time the economy starts to peak up fuel spikes to kill it!
hmm you haven't! man you gotta wake up and smell the roses! billions have been ripped off from 401k's in the last 2 years and the right doesn't care because if they get in power they can steal it all!
don't forget it was Reagan who invented the credit card not Al Gore!
reagan took the richest nation the world has ever known and made it the largest debtor nation in the world!
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fegi052li Donating Member (52 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-22-11 06:29 PM
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4. i'm with you on that one
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