BREAKING: For the third time in three weeks, Senate Republicans filibustered a bill to create jobs – this time through rebuilding America’s crumbling roads and bridges. Unbelievable. These lawmakers won’t lift a finger to put people back to work and get our economy moving again. Meanwhile, Republicans in the House found time to debate and pass a reaffirmation of “In God We Trust” as our national motto, which has been in place since 1956, was reaffirmed in 2002, and again in 2006. As President Obama said, “I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work.” If you agree that Republicans should stop playing politics with our economy and help people get back to work, please sign our petition. We’re looking for 100,000 people to take a stand for jobs and America’s middle class. We’re going to keep calling Republicans out for their stubborn refusal to do anything to get our economy moving again. Thanks for your help.
they have no intention of helping working class people but only maintaining their masters grip on us. think about it every time they help to stall the economy and stocks drop they are draining your 401k's. who do you think is pulling out of the market before the drop happens? of course the huge holder;and who is the big loser the little guy with his few thousand and when it goes backup who do you think is increasing their buying? of course that 1% they are milking billions off your savings. yet they have the drones in the tea party (who was financed by the 5% and led by their puppet Dick almey of texas) ah yes organized to cause disruption and further the cause of lowering the tax rate for the upper 5%! oh yea they used the church the flag and misinformation while they continued to plunder the workers jobs,benefits and retirement!