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we are the 99%

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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-06-11 07:23 AM
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we are the 99%

get out and prove your the 99% on tuesday nov. 8th vote ! the only way the 1% can control is by you not voting.
get out and vote bring someone with you!
as hard as they try to discredit the occupy maine and the 99% supporters common sense is prevailing. their numbers are growing daily.
I just watched that pompous a-hole with his lilly white hands and his fat butt (ray) talking about people on unemployment - he makes his living keeping the working man in the ditch.
thank god his kind are losing listeners daily! this is exactly the type that the bible talk about to scorn!
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-08-11 05:17 AM
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1. 99% had a rally in brunswick

Unlike the babble in "that other forum" it was a peaceful assembly and they drew a fairly good response to their cause. I see a couple drones their who are well known to the community as tea pods(thats wannabees with no balls tea party) I think they knew better than to cause to much shit for their bravery is only in superior numbers which they didn't have.
It's good to see youth involved in our democracy. the right to assemble is a right we need to protect. it has made this country better.
we all know that business has to much input in congress. we all know that to much of our wealth is going off shore-we all know that when you have to much wealth at the top
it isn't long before the country crumbles.
I believe you have to be an idiot not see the stalemate by the right is draining the other 99% resources. and this will lead to disaster for this country.
of course they don't want a huge public works package! that means you cut out the paper profit and have to work for it. and the money would stay in the country so you can't hide the profit!

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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-08-11 06:22 AM
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2. I think this is worth a read

funny how you make a statement then see what another has written much better but in agreement with your thoughts.
Has government failure triggered the right to revolution?

By Hubert Kauffman
Friday, November 4, 2011 2:08 PM EDT
The first sentence of the Declaration of Independence makes clear that citizens have the right to end their relationship with their government when it becomes necessary to do so.

The present government of the United States has failed to fairly represent the basic needs of a large majority of its people. Under those conditions, the people have the right and the obligation to revolt.

In the United States, the revolution can be entirely peaceful. The people can vote some or all of their elected office holders out of office.

The people’s power to correct wrongs through the vote is unstoppable. The “Occupy Wall Street” initiative has the potential to grow into that peaceful revolutionary movement. It symbolizes the worldwide yearning for freedom from the tyranny of powerful regimes.

In the United States, the movement would be well advised to find a unified voice and to lead masses of people to vote, without regard to political party, for a system that puts their needs first. As a priority, the unifying message must focus on the broken state of politics in America.

Fixing the abuses in the American political scene is essential for significant change to occur. It is absurd that election campaigning lasts for two years and costs billions of dollars.

It is more than absurd that corporations have been declared “people” and that they and lobbyists can pour unlimited funds into campaigns thus protecting their needs.

It stretches credulity to hold that our elected officials can remain objective while accepting monetary support for their candidacy.

A second focus for the “Occupy” movement should be on permanent peace. It is not possible for the people to have their needs met while their government pursues a culture of war. “Enemies” are demonized, fear is promoted at every turn, security measures are extreme but spotty, the military budget remains untouched relative to the enormous cuts in civil spending and the dangers of terrorism are promoted as a means of keeping the public passive.

Troops will come out of Iraq but the national conviction that the military is the first line of security continues unabated. That conviction guarantees that war will remain a primary option of U.S. policy. The unifying message should oppose the culture of war because peace offers the only sustainable basis for national security and freedom. Let the revolution proceed. Let the “Occupy Wall Street” movement flourish. Let the people banish fear and find the courage to prevail.

Hubert Kauffman lives in Oxford.

we should always protect the rights of others and our own- this is freedom and what this country was founded for!


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