Have you seen the control of the media by the right;of course its liberal press! oops thats really not the truth since the majority of businesses are owned by conservatives!hmmm could it be another rumor spread by the kow tows(you know the under 250,000 a year crowd believing their master puppeteers) well ya know how they screamed about the left tax and spend-how they would cut the budget and save us millions-hmmm seems the ole adage is true: "republicans cannot govern and when elected they prove this"
It will be difficult to cut welfare when this administration is already over budget by $70,000,000. They can't blame this on the prior administration, they own it lock stock and barrel. I have been waiting to see the post on how irresponsible this mismanagement is, but must have missed it. So, cut education at the State level (again) and let the local property tax make it up. this is just the tip of the problems to come as they alter the tax money in order to keep certain pockets full while mis managing our tax monies!