when Newt says he is a conservative he lies! he is an oppertunist! a glib con artist who cannot be trusted! January 20, 2012 11:12 AM PrintText Romney campaign calls Gingrich "granddaddy of earmarks" By Sarah B. Boxer Topics Campaign 2012 .8 Comments Have Your Say Email Story Send to a FriendShare ThisTell Your FriendsTweet ThisTweet ThisMoreShare It. Del.icio.usFacebookStumbleuponNewsvineYahoo bookmarksMixxDiggRedditGoogle BookmarksTwitterLinkedIn Republican presidential candidates, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Credit: AP Photo/David Goldman) UPDATED 5:00 p.m.ET
Endangered GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney on Friday launched a new attack on rival Newt Gingrich's record in Congress, with his surrogates calling Gingrich the "granddaddy of earmarks." On the campaign trail, Romney also made an issue of the House's official reprimand of the former speaker for ethics violations 14 years ago.
On a conference call with reporters, Rep. Jeff Flake of Arizona, a leader in the GOP effort to fight wasteful earmarked spending on Capitol Hill, said he was astounded by the number of earmarks Gingrich had allowed to go through on bills when he was House speaker. Borrowing a line from former candidate Rick Perry, who ended his campaign on Thursday, Flake called Gingrich the "granddaddy of earmarks," and said that earmarked spending "exploded" during Gingrich's speakership from 1995 to 1999. "Members considered earmarks their entitlement," he said.
Congressional earmarks, which are spending provisions put into bills by lawmakers to benefit their districts or states, have been a touchstone issue for tea party activists in the debate over shrinking the debt and reducing the reach of the federal government.
Joining Flake in the call on Romney's behalf were two other House Republicans, Reps. Jason Chaffetz of Utah and John Campbell of California. None of the three Romney surrogates served alongside Gingrich in the House, but they said they felt qualified to comment on the former speaker's lasting legacy.
and there is plenty more on this big spender! just use your goggle,ask or any search engine!