I copied a portion of this from a post in "amg" I seldom agree with this poster but he nailed this subject matter to the tee! "Actually, he just gave the best union recruitment speech anyone could have and showed a total lack of leadership skills for someone who was in a executive position. I saw many many inept managers in my career non ever so blatantly displayed their inept...ness as Gov. LePage did at that meeting. The ironic thing is probably the really good ones (employees) who had the experience saw it coming and left employment . How perceptive they were.
Gov. LePage owes his constituents better and his employees an apology. Obviously ,if he hasn't a Dale carnage course might help,and if he did ,it wasn't a well retained lesson. " I mean really gov. ya think ur dealing with canal street gangs? your not new,your ideas have been around before! look at what your treasuer sent for a message with the georgetown deal(above the law) or his business participation while state treasurer(above the law) I think that stinks of corruption in your administration!! you could start right their and you might get some respect from some of us that think your more of the ole guard in a different wrapping. Read that bit about the good employees leaving(longely dam near brought the state to its knees! the good workers all left! It took 10 years or more for the state to rebuild the inventory so they could perform! take the savings the right like to spout about multiply it by 10 and thats how much extra it cost us taxpayers for that experiment! I think yor administration will far exceed what it cost the taxpayer and the state compared to longley! I'm one of those state employees who left ! My pay increased by 25% and I had 100% bc&bc medical ins. for my family,accident &health income ins. worked a 40 hour week v/s 60 (I was salary) -your going to get an education that "alec" hasn't prepared you for! your best asset is your work force and you have turned them off! But those of us who have been around knew those that backed you were singing that same ole song! And keeping your treasuer above the law proved it! taxpayers of maine unite to stop this right wing "alec" supported group before they dig us a hole we can't get out of! AS WE ARE FINDING OUT "ALEC" HAS BEEN GATHERING FUNDS TO INFLUENCE OUR LAWS;MANY OF THESE BENEFIT BIG BUSINESS WHILE TAKING FROM THE WORKING CLASS! THE LATEST GIMICK IS THEIR TAKING AND USING STOCK HOLDERS MONEY WHILE SLAMMING UNIONS FOR POLITICAL DONATIONS!(DOES THIS SOUND LIKE THE OLE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF THE FIFTIES WE THREW OUT ON THEIR ASS! SURE DOES TO ME!