We will lose a U.S. Senate seat in 2006. This is driving me crazy. The actions of one blogger from NY and one nutty state senator has completely changed the dynamics of this race, and the Steele camp is LOVING IT. They know they cannot beat any of the Democratic candidates on the issues. Steele is anti-choice, pro-war, pro-Bush, pro-Rove, etc. Dont take my word for it, here is Mr. Steele's exact quote:
Yesterday, Steele expressed several of those views, describing himself as a "pro-life Roman Catholic," a supporter of the Iraq war and a fan of the president's, even if he recognizes that Bush "has a numbers problem right now."
But so long as race remains the prime issue in this race, we will continue to lose support among African Americans and reasonable Whites who are fed up with the unnecessary attacks. Steele is already pulling around 18% of the af-american vote according to the latest Gonzels Research Poll. We cannot afford for this # to go much higher. How do we knock it down? Get race out of the headlines for starters. After that, pin down Steele on where he stands on the issues. Like I said, pro-war, pro-Bush, and anti-choice. After that I wanna' know where he stands on Social Security, Organized Labor, Affordable Health Care, Sky Rocketing College Tuition Rates, etc. Not where he stands on the color of his skin. We know that already, he's a black Republican, get over it.