"Cardin leads Steele, 47 percent to 36 percent, in the race for Sarbanes' seat, according to the telephone survey of 1,200 likely voters conducted July 6-10 by Potomac Inc., an independent polling company based in Bethesda. Seventeen percent are undecided. The survey has a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points for the general election and 4.1 percentage points for the primary. The error rate is higher for smaller subgroups."
"Mfume leads Steele, 42 percent to 40 percent, with 18 percent undecided. The 2-percentage-point difference falls within the poll's margin of error, leaving the race in a virtual dead heat."
http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/politics/bal-te.md.poll17jul17,0,549888.story?coll=bal-home-headlinesNot terribly different except that Cardin's lead is more significant in the Sun's Poll.
Rasmussen always seems to be weighted in favor of the Republican side. This is not to say that we do not have a fight on our hands, we do.
The Democrats have got to make sure that the people know that Steele will just be another Bush Puppet with a rubber stamp.