The Top Ten Reasons Bob Ehrlich Should be Embarrassed
10. Having his veto of a minimum wage hike for struggling working families overridden while using an exclusive “whites only” country club to grab over a hundred donations from fellow golfers at $1,000 a piece.
9. Ehrlich took two weeks after his Elkridge Country Club fiasco was made public to finally condemn all “whites only” country clubs. Yet, his taxpayer funded Chief Council and close personal friend, Jervis Finney, belongs to one.
8. Ehrlich gave back $16,000 in direct campaign contributions to Capital Hill’s “Perfect Storm of Scandal” - Republican Jack Abramoff - but kept $8,000 more given to him by Jack’s “parents” who just happen to reside in California.
7. Ehrlich claimed on national television that Wal-Mart never hosted an Ehrlich fundraiser before he vetoed a bill that slashed into Wal-Mart’s corporate welfare. Ehrlich apparently doesn’t mind soaking Maryland taxpayers in order to profit the mega-corporate special interests.
6. Ehrlich used Maryland college students and their bill-paying parents as his private budget balancing piggy bank as he slashed higher education budgets and raised the “student tax,” otherwise known as tuition, by 50 percent.
5. Ehrlich claimed he wanted to end “Capital Hill assassin-style” politics in Annapolis the day before sending his dirty-tricks press operatives out to spread a nasty fabrication about an Annapolis Democrat. This forced one of Ehrlich’s good friends, a conservative radio talk show host, to apologize on the air for further spreading the fabrication.
4. Ehrlich is keeping Ed Miller, an associate and “business partner” of Jack Abramoff, as his Deputy Chief of Staff. Miller was subpoenaed by a federal grand jury and ordered to reveal why his company, Grassroots Interactive Inc., was used to launder $2 million in ill-gotten gains without explaining who received an apparently missing $200,000.
3. Ehrlich refuses to give Maryland’s taxpayers the credit for balancing his budgets. He raised taxes, fees and tolls on those taxpayers by over $3 billion then claims he’s held the line on taxes and “managed” to turn a “$4 billion deficit” into a “$1.7 billion” surplus.
2. Ehrlich put in so much time and worked “so hard” on issues and programs to improve the lives all Marylanders that he was able to lower his golf handicap by 3 entire strokes.
1. “It’s my government.”