Patricia Bauman invites you to High Tea and Champagne with Donna Edwards in support of her bid for Maryland's 4th Congressional District
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
2358 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20008 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
< > Yes, I will join you on June 20th. Enclosed is my contribution of:< > $2300 < > $1000 < > $500 < > $250.
< > No, I will not be able to join you, but would like to support the Donna Edwards for Congress. Enclosed is my contribution of:< > $2300 < > $1000 < > $500 < > $250.
City: ____________________________________ State: ________
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Fax: ____________________________
Email address:__________________________________________
Employer: _________________________
Occupation: ________________________
Enclosed is my contribution of:
o $2,300o $1,000o $500 o Other $___________
Phone: __________________________
Fax: _________________________________
Employer: ________________________
Occupation: __________________________
Please indicate your payment preference:
o My check, made payable to Donna Edwards for Congress, in the full amount of the contribution is enclosed.
o Charge my entire contribution to: o American Express o Discover o MasterCard o Visa
Account # _____________________________
Exp. Date: ______________________
Name as it appears on the card:________________________
For more information, contact Adrienne Christian at: Adrienne {at} DonnaEdwardsforCongress.com or347-405-2591
Please make checks payable to Donna Edwards for Congress and mail to:
P.O. Box 441153 Fort Washington, MD 20749-441153
Contributions are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Federal elections law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contribution aggregate is excess of $200.