The following is from the crazy Chickenhawk nutjobs at GOPNewsBlog:
Independent voters take note - Lexington Schools in the news again.
This time it is not for their actions to introduce elementary school children to the lifestyle of homosexuals – been there, done that, complete with pictures no less. Nope, this time the Lexington High School wants to mandate the use of buses and trolleys to attend the prom. Based in part on the tragic alcohol related automobile death of a young man last January, the school administrators, parents and police decided on a new policy in which prom attendees will not be allowed to arrive at the prom in private vehicles. No limousines, no parents driving, no attendance - period - unless you arrive by a school sanctioned bus or trolley.
This doesn’t seem to be an important political story until you consider that it has now become routine to find the changes in our personal habits, lifestyle practices and political rulings with their genesis in the public school systems or their advocates. This is one more example of the liberal left’s way of forcing their skewed social agenda on the mindless, sleeping folks of Massachusetts. “Wait a minute, you must be kidding! This is a simple story about concerned parents and school administrators trying to stop drunken driving accidents” you might say. I would ask you “Is it? Is it really that simple?”
Here is how I imagine the story played out. Parents that were rightfully concerned about alcohol abuse during the prom wanted to protect their children from the possibility of a horrible car wreck. So, as liberals often do, they formed a group of like-minded activists, pushed hard on administrators and made a ruling that every kid in the town should have to concede to their idea and use a bus or trolley to attend the prom. NEVER did it cross their minds to sit their children down and say in no uncertain terms “no alcohol tonight and here is my cell phone if you need a ride – I will trust you and believe you will do the right thing to assure your own safety and the safety of your date”. Nope, responsible parenting was never a consideration in the matter. The simple answer to all this would be to have sent a letter to each parent asking them to speak to the children about the dangers of using and abusing alcohol and to never drive while using alcohol. Have both the parent and the child sign the letter and return it to the school. No signed and returned letter – no prom. It’s that simple.
These are the same nanny-state parents that want to outlaw Fluffernutter in the schools because their kids might eat it more than once a week. These are the same parents that demand soda be removed from the school cafeteria vending machines because they pose a frightening and insurmountable health risk. These are the same parents that want every restaurant in Massachusetts to change their recipe for frying foods so not to include trans-fats because their children are helpless to the seductive lure of French Fries. They believe that they know best how to run everyone’s lives and we should all sit back and learn from the experts. The select few Lexington parents that organized this comedy believe they are better than the rest of the Lexington parents. The rest of the Lexington parents don’t know squat about how to raise their kids and that is why they need to be told how to do it.
More: also:
Who knew? Trying to prevent drunken teen deaths is part of the Gay Agenda - and that's just evil
Submitted by adamg on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 4:56pm.
Or something like that. Also, Marshmallow Fluff? It's the anti-gay.