Thursday, March 22, 2007
Murray Pulls Punches
In a surprisingly sudden follow-up to an earlier post here, new Senate President Therese Murray seems to have given herself the word.
She told the AP that she'll go for a vote in the Constitutional Convention. Meanwhile, she 'll work to defeat it with legislative votes.<snip>
Not surprisingly, the anti-marriage equality forces want an early vote. That would give them the best chance to retain their edge and prevent reason and fairness from clouding the emotions of their nearly 60 supporters among the 200-member legislature.
The earliest possible meeting of a ConCon would be May 9th. Recent sessions have met and adjourned for weeks or months, sometimes until December or even just after New Years. There's lots of other legislative business and many lobbyists with possible action on the typically deep ConCon agenda like to have their say, as do lawmakers.
On the pro-marriage-equality side, MassEquality will join Murray in working the lawmakers to get the 151 of 200 votes to send the amendment to the ignominy it deserves. As Campaign Director Marc Solomon said, "Sen. Murray has been a longtime supporter of marriage equality. We're looking forward to closely working with her and her leadership team to defeat this discriminatory amendment."
There must have been a deep sigh behind that. Murray's pledge puts his effort at a tremendous disadvantage. The anti folk have used every possible weapon and urged legislators to help them. Here, Murray takes some options off the table before even starting.
More: See also:
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Good + Bad Will Equal Ugly
* Good News: New Senate President Therese Murray is solidly for marriage equality and other civil rights.
* Bad News: Only 50 of 200 legislators in Constitutional Convention are necessary to send the bill to take away marriage rights from homosexuals.
* Good News: Over 60% of the voters favor leaving same-sex marriages alone, and that percentage is growing.
* Bad News: Neither Gov. Deval Patrick nor leaders in either house have dared tackle the poisonous, badly abused ballot-initiative process.
* Good News: Murray could use parliamentary procedures to squash the anti-marriage-equality amendment, as previous Senate President Bobby Travaglini did to advance the amendment and to kill the health-care one.
* Bad News: We may be a single ConCon vote away from a year and one-half of vitriolic, anti-gay campaigning.
* Good News: Pro-marriage-equality Sen. Brian Joyce believes that with the governor, senate president and speaker of the house against the amendment, "I’m hard-pressed to see a scenario whereby this matter advances.”"
* Bad News: Despite their promises to back off when they lose, no matter how they have lost in the past the anti-marriage-equality/anti-gay forces try every method and trick in the book to keep attacking.
New Senate Pres. Murray to allow vote on gay marriage amendment at Con Con per AP
by: Susan H
Thu Mar 22, 2007 at 18:58:37 PM EST
And with that position all sides see hope as Marc Soloman as head of Mass Equality is grateful Sen. Murray has offered to help Mass Equality's position and the other side is heartened because as was stated Se. Murray intends to allow a vote on the amendment.
Expect heavy lobbying by both sides in the days ahead;one hopes that the new Senate President can lobby her collegues effectively to get them to support her position as an advocate for gay marriage.
More: vows vote on gay marriage
Senate president looks to defeat ban