Update on 11th Norfolk House Race
by: DedhamGal
Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 18:03:58 PM EDT
(Don't miss the counter-punch in the comments. - promoted by Bob)
In the 11th Norfolk District special election to fill the state representative seat serving Dedham, Westwood and Walpole, we're now down to three candidates - Democrat Steve Bilafer, perennial Republican "also-ran" Doug Obey and a so-called "independent" candidate named Paul McMurtry. Bilafer, a father of two from Dedham, won a tough primary, was endorsed by the Dedham Transcript, has been endorsed by the Democratic Party, all the major Democratic officials in the area, has a great plan to help the towns in the district and, because he has experience getting things done on Beacon Hill, will hit the ground running on the day he's sworn in.
Obey is an admitted right-wing ideologue who opposes same-sex marriage, would try to block a woman's right to choose and will stand in lock step with the outcast band of Republicans on Beacon Hill who serve just to throw up roadblocks to progress. McMurtry opted out of either primary and is running as an "independent" - a quaint term recalling images of no-bull political giants like Harry Truman. But, in fact, the state forces candidates like McMurtry to call themselves "unenrolled" rather than "independent" because they have no party affiliation. In McMurtry's case, it's more like "undecided" - or, apparently, it might be worse.
You see, while he talks a big game now about siding with Democrats when he gets to Beacon Hill, that's not exactly a matter of conviction for Mr. McMurtry. When he first talked about getting into this race, McMurtry told The Dedham Times he was "contemplating running as either a Republican or an Independent." Note, no mention of even thinking about the Democratic Party until he realized it won't serve his interests to stand with the Republicans.
But, don't take Paul McMurtry's word for it - take Paul McMurtry's actions for it, the guy is a Republican! Check out the state's campaign finance website at www.mass.gov/ocpf. Search contributions for McMurtry and guess what you come up with? Did he stand behind Deval Patrick in the last election? No. Was he a big supporter of Bobby Coughlin or Maryanne Lewis in past local races? Ahh,no. In past races for Governor, was he with Shannon O'Brien, Scott Harshbarger, Mark Roosevelt? Not even