I don't know much about this but I just got this email from my sister who lives in Brockton. I know there are some good efforts in terms of solar power going on Brockton so I'm a bit surprised at this news which is completely out of the blue for me.
===start email=== ... this concerns everyone in the surrounding towns around Brockton ... please read... Also, if planning on selling your house in Brockton over the next couple of years, this power plant may drop the value of your home. There is a "Stop the Power Plant" meeting this Thursday at 7:00 PM at Cindy's Kitchen on Sargents Way . I hope you can make it!!
Boston, Ft. Lauderdale, Hartford, New York, Providence, Short Hills, Stamford, West Palm Beach, Wilmington, London (Representative office)
Disclosure Under IRS Circular 230: Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP informs you that any tax advice contained in this communication, including any attachments, was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding federal tax related penalties or promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.
==end email===
If anyone knows more about this project I'd be interested of course and of course perhaps you'd be interested in making this meeting.