:wtf: Why do these Lyndon Larouche people keep turning up at our Democratic Conventions? What are they trying to do to our Party?:wtf:
They were out in force again yesterday, and two of the resolutions introduced and adopted in the Plenary Session seemed to me to "borrow" some of Larouche's rhetoric in their wording. To wit:
The Resolution on the Housing Crisis reads in part,
WHEREAS, because of changes in law in the 1970's and 1980's, mortgage loans were allowed to become a financial instrument (Mortgage Backed Securities--MBS's) to be sold and traded on the markets, and the current popping of the speculative bubble of MBS's is rapidly bankrupting hedge funds and companies such as New Century Financial and GMAC;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts calls on our delegation to the federal Congress to act as Franklin D. Roosevelt did in dealing with the housing crisis in the 1930's.
And the original
Resolution on the Impeachment of Vice-President Cheney reads in part,
and to deal with these crises, we as a party must be bold, as bold as Franklin Roosevelt.
How do these people get credentials for our conventions, and how are they able to drive some of our policy debates, while flying under the radar, such that the vast majority of delegates do not realize that these resolutions are Larouche creations? In fact, it would appear that not even the Party leadership realize that these resolutions are Larouche sponsored.
Or am I just being paranoid?:tinfoilhat: