plans? I now use my whole Social Security check each month to pay for health coverage. I called the state office handling the insurance plans and received the information. It is confusing and there is really no way to figure out what it will cost. Also, you have to make sure your doctor is on one of the plans.
I asked at my Doc's office and was told that if there is any way to keep my current situation going until I can get Medicare (October 07), I should. His office only accepts one of the plans, and she said it was awful for the patient and for them. Much is not covered, many doctors have chosen not to participate, and you may have trouble finding someone to treat a condition that your regular doctor does not. Referrals to specialists cannot always be had. Large deductibles, co-pays etc. I do not remember what she said about prescriptions, I was too let down to absorb any more.
It is an altogether messed up, limited plan. It also calls for a ton of paperwork to find out if you are eligible, what is covered and how much it will cost you.
Any experiences here?