Sunday, June 10, 2007
Bravo Know Thy Neighbor!
I haven't really talked about the nasty bills that Massresistance/Article 8/Brian Camenker submitted to the legislature for approval. I didn't discuss it because I really didn't think it was even worth the time since it had no chance of passing (Brian and Amy are in HEAVY denial if they think they were ever going to get anything passed in Massachusetts again!). But the latest news on their "bills" are just too tempting to pass up.
Massresistance/Brian Camenker claimed on their website that they got whopping 25 legislators to "co-sponsor" their Parents Rights Bill S321. However, Know Thy Neighbor did a little poking around Beacon Hill and found out that some of the "co-sponsors" never even signed on:
KnowThyNeighbor had a lengthy conversation with Senator Richard Tisei, The Senate Minority Leader, this morning and the Senator is stating that for the record, he did not request that his name be added as a co-sponsor of this bill and that his record on LGBT rights speaks for itself. Senator Hedlund's aide, Ted Langill, confirmed that they have no email or phone record that confirmed Tisei's request for inclusion in the bill that would require a parental permission slip for teachers to use the words "homosexual, lesbian, transgender" or to discuss the current equal marriage fight or acknowledge the existence of families being headed by same-sex couples. Senator Tisei also confirmed to KnowThyNeighbor that Rep. Fallon, Senator Tarr and Rep. Donato also found their names erroneously on Bill S321.
Know Thy Neighbor is now reporting that 11 legislators have retracted their sponsorship of Bill S321. In the words of Massresistance: