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Kris Mineau is already whining

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AllieB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-14-07 03:09 PM
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Kris Mineau is already whining
Edited on Thu Jun-14-07 03:13 PM by AllieB
says they're going to investigate why the votes flipped. Kris Mineau is head of the Massachusetts Family Institute.

Quid pro quo is the way of the world and the way of politics-what doesn't he get about that? He basically said if he finds out that there was political maneuvering involved, he'll file a civil suit. :eyes:

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Zenlitened Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-14-07 03:19 PM
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1. Not just whining. Lying and slandering, too.
Which is par for the course for these "oh-so-very-holy" bigots and hypocrites.

Using the tried and true "Some people are saying..." technique, favored by right-wing cowards everywhere, they're spreading rumors that patronage appointments were promised in exchange for votes.

What a sickness these people are. They've inflicted so much poison on our state for so long now... it's time for them to just slink away.

Fairness won today. :applause:

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Rockholm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-14-07 04:27 PM
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2. Boo frigging hoo.
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mreilly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-15-07 08:33 AM
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3. Notice how Repubs can't just shut up and go home?
This is pretty typical for the political scene nowadays - if Repugs don't win the vote, they just gripe and yelp that their voices were suppressed or vow to keep on bringing it up over and over and over and over until they finally get their way. They never just say "OK, we fought the good fight but lost, so that's all folks."

This is why I was against putting gay marriage to a popular vote. Not because I think the anti-gay forces would actually get enough votes to pass a ban, but because even if the Massachusetts voters affirmed the right of gays to marry the homophobes would just keep squealing about it anyway. They wouldn't go home to live their little lives and worry about their own marriages (or lack thereof). No, they'd continue to obsess and seize the spotlight in any way possible to keep wasting people's time over a done deal. Which they are going to do anyhow, of course, but at least there will now be a bit less blathering from these cretins and the talk-radio know-nothings, yammering on and on about the issue until next November.

It's not about "giving the public the right to decide." They couldn't care less about that. After all, I'm sure these are the same people who cheered the Republicans for blocking the no-confidence vote against Gonzalez.
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JohnHosty Donating Member (79 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-30-07 01:57 PM
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4. I Called Him Out on This
I have written an article about this on
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