Senator Bob Creedon has told me that the State Constitution requires legislators to simply vote according to the will of the majority of their constituents, regardless of whether it is right, just, fair, or conflicts with their personal conscience. And in the next breath, Bob Creedon told me that he voted against the will of his constituents who wanted a state death penalty. So, either Creedon lied about what his job is, or else he admitted to violating the State Constitution.
He also looked me in the eye and lied to me when he told me that prior to the
Goodridge decision, he had supported Civil Unions, but the
Goodridge case "forced his hand."
Yeah, right. And if you believe that, I have a trash transfer station in Brockton I'd like to sell you.
For those legislators like Bob Creedon, who see their job as being simply a machine for pushing a voting button according to the wills of their constituents, I propose we ask them to put their money where their mouth is. Or, rather, to stop paying them money for what their mouth does.
For those Creedonites who think legislators are simply constituent-controlled robots sent to Congress to push the right voting button, I see no point in their participating in the strange Kabuki theater of "debates" on the capitol building floor. What point is there for legislators to debate and argue among themselves when they're supposed to simply vote (as Creedon says they are required) according to the will of their constituents?
Hold Creedon and those like him to their word. Ban them from debate, and reduce their pay and benefits by a percentage that reflects the reduction of their job duties.
Why pay someone to debate a bill when The Creedonite Voting Machines believe that it is unconstitutional for any legislator to be swayed by their words? Why should the taxpayers foot the bill for such pointless theater?
I propose new legislation: The Creedonite Cost Reduction Act.
Let's create a Citizen's Petition Initiative, and then borrow all those ugly, green "Let The People Vote" signs.
And meanwhile, let's find Primary challengers to the Creedons who don't think Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep vote on what to have for dinner.
I'm pledging $1,000 of my own money (over two calendar years) and at least 20 hours a week of my time to a Progressive Primary challenger to boot the Creedons out of office.
I'm Bob Creedon, and I can't get an erection if gay people are getting married.
I'm Geraldine Creedon, and I'm actually kind of relieved my husband can't get an erection. I mean... LOOK at him.