The heavy hands of hate and control jerked back bloodied after three years of struggle here. One decisive point came on June 14th, when the anti-marriage-equality forces lost a struggle to stop same-sex marriage here.
This is a first in a series on those who lost the battle and combined with their other follies have marginalized themselves in Massachusetts. Today, it's the Roman Catholic hierarchy here.
The RC Church has faced loss of membership, swings in contributions, and a deep, old and wide clergy sex-abuse scandal. It has been closing churches, and unable to replace their retiring, dying and occasionally jailed priests. The previous archbishop skipped out of town with the law sniffing his trail. In short, it was badly in need of good planning, good execution and good PR.
Marching Orders
Instead, it got what appears to be very bad orders from the newish Pope Benedictus XVI, né Joseph Alois Ratzinger. Let's put aside that Benny the Rat, as we are wont not too respectfully to call him, is a caricaturist's delight; that's not his fault.
The Pope is running a big, not little C Catholic church. He doesn't seem to mind that such ham-fisted policies:
* Alienated homosexual parishioners, and those with family or friends who are homosexual.
* Appalled the freedom-loving, live-and-let-live Americans.
* Muddled church and politics, while church leaders would fight vigorously if the government would try to interfere in their business the way they have in public affairs.
* Further separated parishioners still reeling from the affects of many decades of abuse of children and adults by RC clerics, and dissatisfied with the denial, lies and duplicity.
* Insulted and in some cases driven away heterosexual couples who are infertile or choose not to have children, with the hard line about marriage being only for procreation.
* Showed callousness to adoptable children and to marriage by extreme measures designed to control and punish homosexual couples.
* Hung Massachusetts legislators out to dry trying to appear like good Catholics to their RC constituents and yet uphold the commonwealth constitution and its court interpretations, and existing laws.