They are self-parodies and it is impossible to be serious about Article 8/MassResistance/Parents Rights Coalition. They are the court jesters of gay-rights and marriage equality in Massachusetts.
This is part two in a series of those who marginalized themselves in the battle to stop same-sex marriages in Massachusetts. See part one on the local Roman Catholic hierarchy here.
The tiny group of two plus a few hangers-on managed an impressive amount of coverage in the most gullible media, notably the Boston Globe. They were always good for inflammatory counterpoints to reason.
Even though they tried to distance themselves from the anti-SSM amendment (it didn't go far enough; they wanted to reverse up to 10,000 existing SSMs), their death throes writhed with the defeat of the amendment. While the rest of Massachusetts and even conservative politicians elsewhere have conceded that homosexuality is innate, Brian and Amy maintain a sexual-orientation version of The South Will Rise Again. Look at their main site or their blog to read unbelievable lies, distortions and contortions, all centered on the thesis that we should all devote ourselves not to peace or bettering the world, but to harming homosexuals in any way we can.