The Marginalized: VoteOnMarriage
There may not be too much to say VoteOnMarriage/Massachusetts Family Institute after its most recent defeat of many. I have already predicted that the leader, President Kris Mineau, may be well out of here shortly. There are so many places for him to pull his dirty tricks, so many with the gullible to tap for donations.
This is the third in a series of people and groups who marginalized themselves in their quixotic, yet vicious, attempt to take existing rights from a minority group. Part one on the RC Church hierarchy is here, and part two on the MassResistance folk is here.
In Maine, the CCL did its do for several years, relying on sensational lies about protecting homosexuals in fundamental areas like employment discrimination. They also predicted the ruin of Massachusetts following legalization of same-sex marriage here. Meanwhile several funny things happened. First, as here, enough gay men and lesbians, singles and couples, were out that most voters realized they were plain folk deserving of equality and fairness. Then life streamed right along in Boston and elsewhere here, thanks very much.
This is relevant because of the strong parallels. In both states, polls drifted higher and higher favoring equality. The majority of voters and a greater majority of legislators chose fair over nasty, equal over cruel.
Short-term after the amendment lost, anti-gay/anti-marriage equality forces call for the defeat of at least four legislators who previously voted to advance the amendment but changed last month. Much like the years of sensational screaming of the horrible effects of SSM, this threat is the realest example of how these groups marginalize themselves. They promise what they can't deliver. They do it often enough that they become the voice of the street crazy becoming fainter and fainter as embarrassed bystanders walk away. (Pardon, but I have to ask then does VOM then become Voice of Morons?)
It is tempting but would be facile to say that electoral endorsements and calls for defeat guarantee the opposite. True enough, in the last general election every single candidate the anti side supported lost in the primary or election and every one they opposed won.