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Truck accident dumps radioactive waste into Chelmsford lake

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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-06-07 10:34 AM
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Truck accident dumps radioactive waste into Chelmsford lake

Friday, July 6, 2007
Medical truck crashes in Chelmsford, dumps radioactive chemical containers in lake
By Globe Staff

A pickup truck transporting containers of radioactive imaging chemicals for a medical company crashed on Route 3 in Chelmsford this morning and dumped its payload into a lake.

State Police divers and public health officials responded to the scene at Freeman Lake and are working to recover the containers, according to a State Police press release.

Steven P. Sekenski, 26, was driving a 2006 Ford Ranger pickup north on Route 3 for Cardinal Health Services, according to the release. At about 4:10 a.m., the truck rolled over and hit a guardrail. Sekenski, of Woburn, was not injured, but the chemical containers flew off the truck, onto road, and rolled into the lake.

Police did not release more details about the chemicals or the accident. In addition to State Police, the crash has also drawn officials from the Nuclear Incident Advisory Team, the state Department of Public Health Radiation Control Program, the MassHighway Department, and the Chelmsford and Westford fire departments.

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Breeze54 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-06-07 10:37 AM
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1. shit.
Edited on Fri Jul-06-07 10:39 AM by Breeze54
Isn't that sort of waste in sealed barrels when they transport it? :shrug:

I wonder if that has anything to do with the lake in Pittsfield being closed today also.

High Bacteria Level Prompts Beach Closing
E-coli Can Cause Gastrointestinal Distress

One of the beaches at Pittsfield's Onota Lake is closed until further notice
after test results showed levels of E.coli bacteria above the state limit.

Community Services Director Jim McGrath said a test done earlier this week
at the beach at Burbank Park came back Thursday with "elevated" bacteria levels.

McGrath said the cause is unclear.



Probably not but then again, you never know.
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