ADL Update: The Boston Jewish Community Stands Up for Armenians
by: TedF
Tue Aug 21, 2007 at 09:32:26 AM EDT
( - promoted by David)
To recap: Watertown unceremoniously kicked the ADL's No Place for Hate program out of town when the ADL refused to recognize the Armenian genocide as a genocide. The head of the ADL's New England office, Andrew Tarsy, with the support of his regional board of directors, bravely spoke out against the ADL's stance and was promptly fired.
The good news is that the Greater Boston Jewish community has now rallied around Tarsy and stood up for our Armenian neighbors. The Globe reported today that the JCRC, the CJP, the BJE, and others in the alphabet soup of establishment Jewry are publicly supporting Tarsy and recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
Sadly, Grand Rabbi Korff, scion of a famous Chasidic dynasty and the Chaplain of the City of Boston, has supported the national ADL on the grounds that it is better suited than the Boston office to assess "very sensitive international and diplomatic nuances and ramifications." I will assume that Rabbi Korff is right on this point; probably the national ADL is better attuned to diplomacy and matters of state. But the ADL is not AIPAC. It is a civil rights organization that should be focusing on what's right, not on what's in the geopolitical interests of Israel, Turkey, or the United States. {Emphasis mine}
More: prior threads:
Jewish groups pressure the ADL, Urge recognition of Armenian Genocide effort stirs anger in Watertown, Debate focuses on Armenian genocide
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