Email message from Frank Gorke, Environment Massachusetts Director
Since last week when I told you about the toxic pesticides that
MassHighway is planning to spray on roadsides across the state, you've had a
lot of questions...What kind of chemicals? What could happen to me or my
kids if we are exposed to them? Are they going to be spraying in my
backyard? Let me tell you the answers to those questions and more.
The chemicals that MassHighway is currently using or planning to use
are Oust Extra and Accord Concentrate. The toxic ingredient in Accord
Concentrate is Glyphosate, and it has been linked to such health risks as
eye soreness, headaches and flu-like symptoms. Long term exposure
could affect reproductive development and has shown an increase in pancreas
and liver tumors in lab rats. Oust Extra has Sulfometuron Methyl which
can cause blurred vision, reproductive issues and anemia.
MassHighway has plans to spray these chemicals in dozens of cities and
towns across the state. Click on the link below to see a map of where
spraying is happening or may happen, and you can click on the pins on
each city to find out more about which roadsides are being sprayed. pass this information on to people you know who live in one of
these cities or towns.
To find out more about Glyphosate, click on the links below:,
Frank Gorke
Environment Massachusetts Director