Saturday, September 01, 2007
Live Blogging of Massresistance's Comeback Radio Show
I will try to blog live the Massresistance Radio Show which is being played live on 1330 AM. Right now there is another show going on. Because of my poor language skills I'm not sure what language it is, it sounds like Portuguese but I'm not sure.
There's a short announcement at the beginning at the beginning that it's a paid program and do not represent the opinions station WRCR. Brian has a new costar, some guy named Jeff.
Amy's not on because she's "researching" the Laramie Project in Wyoming. Brian is spouting lies about the play "The Laramie Project". He should team up with Fred Phelps since he doesn't like it either. Brian would like to get the play removed from high schools because of it's violent content.
Their last segment they are talking about the ADL and the "No Place for Hate" Campaign. Brian thinks ADL is inventing things because there is no overt discrimination anymore (he gave examples of Jews being discriminated against when he was younger) Brian thinks that kids put swastika's on things to get attention from higher ups likes Mayors. Brian said he would have done it too to get attention (wow! that's scary)
Ah, now we get to the heart of the hate for ADL, it's because of their collaboration with MassEquality and other "liberal mindsets" Ari just called Rush Limbaugh "The GREAT Rush Limbaugh" I wonder what Ari thinks of doctor shopping for prescription drugs.
Ari talking about the "homosexuals" manufacturing issues like bullying.