Dear Friends,
The upcoming presidential election is vitally important. Our current fiscal policies have resulted in staggering debt for our grandchildren to repay. Health care costs and quality are impeding the competitiveness of American industry. From gun and gang violence to immigration reform to climate change to the war in Iraq to the response to Katrina, our faith in the ability of government to be a force for positive change has been shaken. We face hard choices in the years ahead, because not just national policy but the national character is at stake.
As a Democrat, I am proud that the field of Democratic contenders is so strong. Many are friends and colleagues with whom I have worked over the years. But frankly, I believe the importance of this election transcends friendships and party. I believe we need unifying, visionary leadership. I believe we need a President who will level with the American people. I believe we need Barack Obama.
On Tuesday, October 23 in Boston, Barack and I will rally supporters of his campaign for president. Please join us. Share his passion, his vision and our cause. Let’s bring about real change by putting American values back into American government.
Hoping to see you there,
P.S. Please visit to let us know that you can join us on Tuesday.