Thumbs down! To Mayor James Harrington and mayoral candidate Gayle Kelley, for their poor responses in Thursday night's debate to the drug problem in Brockton.
Harrington was asked in the debate what the city and School Department had done — in the wake of The Enterprise's report on heroin addiction — to prevent more deaths of young adults. The report showed that Brockton had a higher rate of overdoses than other communities, and chronicled the tragedies that had befallen the city. But since the stories ran in March, the city has done little, not even holding a public forum.
When asked why it hadn't, the mayor said the city was trying to deal with the problem, but that those most responsible are the parents. “There's something missing when people start taking these drugs,” he said. Harrington showed he doesn't understand the issue, even though it was spelled out in the stories how OxyContin and heroin addiction can affect any person in any family.
His answer was a cop-out, and his inaction on the issue, sad. Kelley's response was equally poor, especially when she said, “More research is needed.” The research has been done, and was presented in the “Wasted Youth” series of stories, which is still available at Brockton has a hidden epidemic of heroin addiction, which continues.
People are dying.
It should be noted that the third candidate for mayor, Jass Stewart, differed dramatically with Harrington and Kelley. He said he knows good, strong families affected by this. Stewart didn't have many good answers as to how to stop the tragedies, but at least he recognizes it's time to attack this problem — not time to try and place blame.More: also:
Enterprise Articles Spotlight Jass Stewart's Positive Message in Brockton Mayor's Race
by: Jan A
Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 11:55:13 AM EDT
Progressive candidate Jass Stewart is running for Mayor of Brockton against incumbent James Harrington and newcomer Gayle Kelley to be listed on the November ballot. The "preliminary" (the candidates are all Democrats, I believe) will be held tomorrow, Tues. Sept. 18th.
The Enterprise (f/k/a The Brockton Enterprise) has published a series of articles that cast Stewart in a very favorable light, at least compared to his two rivals.
Check them out on flip.