after work yesterday, i headed down to the boston common to find bi-baby, and biLLy skank to start the rest of our day.
we end up finding each other outside the park street station, and we're standing there taLking for a few minutes before we decide where we want to head next. in mid-sentence, we're interupted by a man saying, "excuse me sir!"
i turn to Look, and it's a guy from my chiLdhood i hadn't seen in about 10 years. he was the guy who Led our LocaL teen center in the project (he's now a cop) and someone who i stiLL think of as a hero; he heLped me out and got me out, and countLess other kids.
anyhow, after the hugs, and the swears, and the what are you doing here.. he toLd me he was just Leaving from the state house; another guy from our neighborhood was just inaugurated as a state senator (and that one of my bestest friends as a teen was his aide) and that i shouLd go up see them.
anyhow, we chatted up a bit, and parted ways, and we waLked up the hiLL to the state house.
i've never been inside the state house, and i didn't know you couLd just waLk on in. so myseLf, bi-baby, and biLLy skank enter and go through the metaL detector and scanner, and the unbeLievabLy friendLy security guards asked us, "so what are you here for? a tour? are you here to see the governor?"
i respond that i'm there to see a chiLdhood friend *** **** who was just inaugurated. i know i missed it but i wanted to go congratuLate him. they smiLe, and teLL us to go up to the 3rd fLoor.
so we waLk through the state house (and biLLy takes a bunch of pix) which was absoLuteLy beautifuL, and make our way up to the 3rd fLoor. we get to the senate chamber, and unbeLievabLy friendLy guards greet us at the door. i teLL them who i'm Looking for, and i'm informed that they're in session, and can't be disturbed. however, if i Like i couLd write a note that they'LL pass to him, and that we can go up one fLoor to the gaLLery and watch.
so i scribbLe a note congratuLating him (and wrote my phone number down in case he wants to offer me a job) and we headed up to the gaLLery.
as it turns out, we showed up at a momentous vote. they were voting to overhauL the abortion cLinic buffer zones, to make it safer for patients, doctors, and escorts. the gaLLery was packed, as we Listened to different senators give speeches. they took a vote which overwheLmingLy passed (yay!), and the entire gaLLery stood up and stormed out (we Lingered for a moment, and Listened to some guy who was very disappointed in the vote) where they aLL began to hug each other ceLebrate.
what are the fucking odds we show up for the onLy time in our Lives and it's that vote. :o aLso, we saw the guard pass my note to ***.
but yeah, the fetus fetishests are now further back. :bounce: