New England Mobilization to End the War in Iraq
October 27, 2007
Rally starts at 12:00 Noon at Boston Common
March starts at 2:00 PM at the Common
March route is around Copley Square with a return to the Common
This Saturday there will be a massive regional demonstration in Boston as part of a national day of protest against the war in Iraq called by United for Peace and Justice. Regional demonstrations will be held in 11 cities. The demands are: Bring All The Troops Home Now; End All Funding for the Iraq War Now; Support Our Communities, Fund Human Needs; No Attack on Iran; Stop the Attacks on Civil Liberties, Defend Human Rights.
The stage area will be protected by a large tent that will protect our equipment, our speakers and our performers from the elements. The rest of us: please bring parkas or other raingear and be prepared for a great event, despite the prospect of warm mid-day showers. Despite the high likelihood of rain showers, the temperature is likely to be in the lower 70's, quite balmy for late October in Boston! This event has been endorsed by nearly 200 organizations in the New England area! So bring your friends and family to the peace rally starting at Boston Common at noon on Saturday!
PROGRAM ONLINE - After weeks of work, the program is coming together into an attractive package. The http://www.newenglandunited.org/?q=node/20">speakers list is online, as are the artists and exhibits lists. Scores of organizations have ordered tables suggesting many other exhibits and activities.
CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES - Dramatic storytelling, fun games, and larger-than-life puppets await the kids and tweens who stop by the Children's Tent this Saturday!
PROMO VIDEOS & ARTICLES - Media activists have been getting the word out about our actions. A great video specifically for the Boston action is hosted on Your Tube; Rob Greenwald (Iraq for Sale documentary maker has one about the National Day of Action. In addition, Stan Heller and Ben George who have been building the action in Connecticut have written a broad review of the actions across the country in the popular CounterPunch website.
BUILD UP EVENTS - Friday evening: There is a benefit concert for Iraq Veterans Against the War. The show will begin Friday, October 26th at 10PM It will be hosted by the Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA. It will feature young folk artists as well as some very political hip hop. Earlier in the day, students and workers are organizing a Sick Out/Walk Out and then going to flyer Boston for the National Day of Action!
REGIONAL BUSES - The excitement is building: there are more and more reports of folks chartering buses to the action. The buses may arrive and park on Charles Street--adjacent to Boston Common--between Boylston and Beacon Streets. The City of Boston will block off the area for use by buses (connected to the demonstration). In addition, New England United will have folks to greet and orient the buses as they arrive.