by: Lynne
Fri Nov 09, 2007 at 12:11:25 PM EST
(Drag this out as long as it takes ... - promoted by Charley on the MTA)
Impeachment might have been referred to committee, but it ain't dead yet. If we can find enough of a spine in our Democrats to at least entertain the idea of hearings (which come BEFORE impeachment) to determine wrongdoing.
And Congressman Delahunt of Massachusetts is on the committee.
I don't know how many people here favor impeachment. We all should, because the Founding Fathers put this provision into the Constitution to protect it and our nation from the very sort of thing we have seen from this administration. The Fathers didn't expect impeachment to be rare. Indeed, they had no illusions about the corruptness of any power
Conyers has expressed a "we're really busy doing the work of the Committee" noncommittal response, and another Dem has said no, won't do it. That leaves 14 Dems plus Conyers to convince, and with pressure from the weak Dem leadership to kill Res 333, the only way to attempt to keep it alive and have effect is for us constituents to put our own pressure.
I've already called Rep. Delehunt (no indication yet on where he stands) at (202) 225-3111, but I am not in his district, so my voice has less impact than yours (still doesn't hurt, and all MA should call to let him know we are watching him). I will also be calling Conyers as the Committee Chair to allow these hearings (which is NOT impeachment!) to take place, his number is (202) 225-5126. Remember, be polite.