Senator Robert Creedon to resign and seek position as Plymouth Clerk of Courts
by: AmberPaw
Thu Apr 03, 2008 at 21:10:49 PM EDT
(Another one up and out? - promoted by Charley on the MTA)
See:, the Clerk of Courts died on March 28, 2008; I don't believe the funeral has been held yet.
Senator Robert Creedon is the
Senate chairman of the Joint Judiciary Committee - a major position. If he is indeed resigning, then the chairmanships in the Senate will be reassigned.
It should be noted that as Clerk of Courts - no more commute to Boston, and a raise of at least $40,000.00 and I think, more than that.More: here's a good comment on this that someone posted over at BlueMassGroup:
Incredible! (0.00 / 0)
Finally, some good news on the retirement front! Creedon is among the most self-entitled, self-important paper-shufflers in the Massachusetts Legislature, and good riddance to him. Creedon used to be my state senator, and
I asked him five separate times to explain his opposition to marriage equality; I received five different explanations. It's not too often that one hears "I don't care" from the mouth of a state senator, but I often heard those words when I'd mention constituents and colleagues who disliked his brusque, huaghty manner.
Creedon was ignorant of many issues affecting his Brockton constituents, and his understanding of education could fit on one side of a square of toilet paper.
In 2006, his Republican opponent was consistently to the left of Creedon (though it turns out he laundered drug money...Just when I was thinking there was nobody I could back with enthusiasm this cycle, it's good to see this news.
Representative Thomas Kennedy of Brockton, who merits the D after his name, is a likely candidate for the seat, and a better improvement I cannot imagine. He gets it on education, he gets it on casinos, he understands affordable housing, and he gets it on marriage equality. I'll hold the cheerleading until after Kennedy declares, but this is a good day for the people of Brockton (and a sad day for the Republicans of Massachusetts -- see above).
by: sabutai @ Thu Apr 03, 2008 at 21:25:32 PM CDT;jsessionid=1A4D5EBEF540C77393187CE4BA0FF4B9?commentId=122920Sen. Robert Creedon-- Evil, Lying, DINO-nazi Thug.Now, what do we do about his evil DINO-nazi thug wife, Rep. Geraldine Creedon?
Evil DINO-nazi bigot thug Geraldine Creedon. You'd look that awful, too, if you had to fuck Bob Creedon.See prior threads:
Anti-Gay Bigot Nazi Geraldine Creedon May Have Opposition in November!
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