A New England-Wide Conference April 25-26, 2008
Tufts University - Medford , MA
Sponsored by New England United and the Tufts Peace and Justice Studies Program
Friday, April 25, 7:00 - 10:00 PM
FORUM Pearson Chemical Lab 104
MAX ELBAUM: Where We Stand Today in the Middle East and at Home: US Foreign Policy and Military Spending (Max is editor War Times and author of " Washington 's Wars and Occupations")
STEPHEN ZUNES: The Political and military lay of the land in the Countries of the Middle East (Stephen is editor of Foreign Policy in Focus; Professor of Politics, University of San Francisco and chair, Middle East Studies program
ELLEN FRANK: The U.S. domestic crisis and the war (Ellen is Visiting Professor of Economics at UMass-Boston, Senior Economist at the Poverty Institute, and contributes to Dollars and Sense, the magazine of economic justice)
Saturday, April 26, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
( 8:30-9:00 ) REGISTRATION Barnum Hall 008
( 9:00-9:30 ) WELCOME AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DAY Barnum Hall 008
( 9:45-11:00 ) EDUCATIONAL AND ISSUE WORKSHOPS (see list below)
( 11:15-12:30 ) PANEL - MAJOR ORGANIZING STRATEGIES Barnum Hall 008
1. Cutting the Manpower supply for illegal wars -- WAYNE SMITH (Civil Liberties Program manager, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; former combat medic) 2. Pressuring or Changing Congress and the Presidency -- TIM CARPENTER (Progressive Democrats of America ) 3. Building a Mass Movement/Organizing Mass Actions -- ASHLEY SMITH (International Socialist Organization) 4. Broadening the Movement to End the War -- KIM FOLTZ (Exec. Director, Bikes not Bombs; a founding member of Mass. Global Action)
( 12:30-1:30 ) LUNCH Campus Center
(1:30-2:45) ACTION CAMPAIGN WORKSHOPS (See list below) (Proposals for New England-Wide Action Campaigns for 2008 discussed in preparation for consideration by the Conference Plenary)
( 3:00-4:30 ) PLENARY Barnum Hall 008
(Discuss and vote on NEU action campaigns for 2008 and form ongoing working groups)
Morning: Educational and Issue Workshops (tentative list)
1. European No Bases Campaign -- Andrea Licata 2. Lessons of the Fight Against the War in Vietnam -- Jeff Mackler 3. Torture, Rendition, Human Rights -- National Lawyers Guild 4. The "Surge"/Out Now -- Max Elbaum 5. Why the US Supports the Israeli Occupation -- Stephen Zunes/Omar Baddar 6. Immigration Crisis/War on Terror 7. Pakistan and Afghanistan : The Looming Crisis 8. Climate Change: No War/No Warming 9. Contributions of Nonviolent Struggle in Movements for Justice & Peace 10 The Role of Students in Today's Anti-War Movement
Afternoon Workshops - NEU Action Campaigns (tentative list)
1. From Every Village Green
2. National Assembly/Mass Action
3. GI Resistance and Counter-Recruiting
4. People's Campaign for the Constitution 5. Electoral Action
Suggested Donations: $10 each day -- $5 each day for students, seniors, unemployed
Proposals for New England United action campaigns and workshops are invited. Deadline for submission is April 23 - See form on website.
Go to www.newenglandunited.org for latest conference and registration information.
See written directions to Tufts University below.
For Tufts campus maps go to
http://www.tufts.edu/home/maps/?p=medford Contact: Email: NEUconferenceinfo@yahoo.com Phone: 617-497-5273
NEW ENGLAND UNITED is a coalition of peace, antiwar, and social justice activists from all six New England states that brought 10,000 people to Boston last October 27 for the largest march and rally since before the war started in 2003. NEU decided to continue our successful regional work. This conference will plan unified actions for 2008.
Directions to the Conference:
By car.
It’s easiest to take the exit for Route 2 East off of Route 95.
At the end of Route 2 bear left through a full traffic light on to Route 16 East.
Take Route 16 east through 2 full traffic lights. You will see blue signs on the right for Tufts University .
Follow the blue signs and take a sharp right (off of Route 16) up the hill on to Powder House Boulevard.
At the third traffic light turn left on to Packard Ave. (which runs through the heart of the Tufts campus).
On Friday night you can either: 1) take your first right on to Talbot Ave and see if you can find a space on the street or in the parking lot on the right at the end of Talbot Ave. (Pearson Chemical Lab is on Talbot Ave.) or 2) proceed up Packard Ave (passing Barnum Hall/Dana Labs on your right) and take your 4th right on to North Hill Rd.
At the end of North Hill Rd. turn left into the parking garage which is located in Dowling Hall. Walk back to Packard Ave. , then down Packard Ave and take a left on to Talbot Ave. (Pearson Chemical Lab is on your right).
It will cost you $5 to get out of the garage.
On Saturday you will have to use the parking garage in Dowling Hall ($5 fee) at the end of North Hill Rd. and walk back to Packard Ave. Barnum Hall just off Packard Ave.
You can also get to Tufts via Route 93 north or south getting off in Medford . But it’s complicated to get to Route 16 West from there.
If you do get on Route 16 west, after about 1 ¼ mile on Route 16 west you will bear left through a traffic circle and proceed off of Route 16 and up the hill on Powder House Blvd.
From there, follow the directions above to get on to Talbot Ave. or Packard Ave.
If you are driving through Davis Square Somerville , come out College Ave.
At the rotary go 2/3 the way around (the 2nd to last exit off the rotary) to get on to Powderhouse Blvd. Note that there are 5 exits off the rotary! From Powderhouse Blvd. take a right on to Packard Ave and follow the directions above.
By Subway:
Take the Red Line to Davis Square . Exit the Davis Square station on the College Avenue side.
You can take the #94 or #96 bus or walk 15 minutes along College Ave to the Tufts Campus. (you will have to cross the rotary to stay on College Ave. then take a left on to Talbot Ave. into the campus. On Friday walk up Talbot Ave to Pearson Chemical Lab on your left. On Saturday walk up Talbot Ave and take a right on to Packard Ave. Walk up Packard Ave to Barnum Hall/Dana Labs on your right).
If you take the bus on Friday get off at the first stop after the rotary, cross the street to Talbot Ave and walk up Talbot Ave. to Pearson Chemical Lab.
On Saturday, tell the driver to stop across from the Memorial steps at Tufts. Cross the street, walk up the steps and keep going straight, winding your way straight across campus to Barnum Hall.
For campus maps go to